At the point of purchase
Once your personal computer experiences a glitch, help is just one phone call away. Why is investing in a new computer better than buying a refurbished one? The list below shows the reasons why:1) A brand new computer assures you that the parts are new and have not been subject to any misuse or wear.So why is a new computer a more cost effective investment? It is because of the warranties and the totally free help desk. In the long run, you've got to diagnose the problem through trial and error, and this not only increases cost but in addition inflates losses.2) A new computer's problems may easily be solved. When this happens, the pc is a lot more prone to bogging down, or even losing information.3) A brand new computer's cost might be front loaded, but over time it could be more cost effective. Costs for maintenance and repair are practically nil since it is a new item.
At the point of purchase, a brand new computer includes a technical support system which refurbished computers don't have. And this translates to productivity for the purchaser. A refurbished computer, on the other hand, does not have this guarantee and may even be an electric "Frankenstein". And the problem is easily identifiable. However, a refurbished computer, with all of the different parts and cosmetic changes, apart from being more prone to breakdown, is more prone to hidden glitches (such as viruses or system malfunctions) due to the previous use of the hardware. Firstly, though it can be more expensive to buy a new unit, this cost is simply a one time expense in the beginning.
Basically, when one refurbishes something, and for purpose of discussion, a pc, you are actually using an old item that has undergone adjustments to give it the appearance that it is new. Also, it is much more expensiveto keep an on-call technician to diagnose an issue unlike a new one, the help desk can simply provide solutions. Since a refurbished computer has logged minutes of use, wear and tear, or even damage may be hidden. On the flip side, a new computer removes any doubt as to its parts and ensures that it's got the capacity to work like a new item should, without defects or hidden damage. When one purchases a refurbished computer, one also purchases a headache waiting to take place.
The argument that it might be more cost effective to buy a refurbished computer than a new one is misleading. Refurbish (v): to brighten or freshen up - Merriam-Webster's Online dictionary. However, a refurbished computer might
cosmetic packaging Manufacturers have low front end cost upon purchase, once the computer bogs down, the price of repair is magnified by the loss in productivity. Though initially it is more expensive to purchase a new computer, the long term benefit far outweighs the price of buying a refurbished computer. So when a refurbished computer has a problem, there is no twenty four hour, 7 days a week help desk to request assistance. Upon purchase, the pc comes with a seal of warranty plus a warranty card saying that all its parts are brand new as well as in good working condition.